The Persistent Woman

In Luke 18, the Parable of the Persistent Widow (which I also like to call The Persistent “Woman”) is not a popular parable but it is one of the most motivating ones for me. It’s too good to summarize, so I posted it below. Plus it’s important to read God’s word for yourself:

Let me take a quick moment to insert some historical context about a widow in the day and time of that culture. Widows were considered the lowest social status and had little to no rights, privileges, or assets and no husband to care for her or her affairs. So it was very uncommon and courageous of this woman to speak up for herself and to seek justice.

Whoo! Somebody lift up a praise!! Won’t He do it!?!

Here are some points I’d like to highlight:

  1. The widow didn’t allow her circumstances to define or keep her from obtaining what was rightfully hers. She advocated for herself. According to the culture’s standards of that day, she was the lowest of the low and was without protection and a covering. But that didn’t stop her from constantly approaching the judge about fixing her situation. She knew she deserved justice.

  2. The woman didn’t allow the judge’s attitude about God, people, or her situation stop her from asking. It says he refused for some time. This means sis didn’t ask just one or two times. It is safe to infer that she asked on a consistent, maybe daily, basis.

  3. It was the woman's persistence that changed the judge's mind. Bottom line, he was tired of being bothered by her.

It can be so easy to get discouraged when things don’t work out the first time or when you receive a "NO" in response to something you are trying to achieve or obtain that is rightfully yours.

But here’s the application: if an ungodly judge can render justice, why wouldn’t God move on your behalf to bring justice to whatever situations you find yourself in? He’s a good father who takes care of His own. So keep praying, believing, and doing your part. [This is a step we can miss or leave out sometimes.] Also, the key to the woman’s persistence was her right to justice. She knew what was due to her! If there is something God has promised you, something that rightly belongs to you, or something that is in God’s perfect will for your life, don’t give up on obtaining it. Like verse 8 says,

He will grant justice and quickly. 

I also want to share a personal testimony about being persistent:

Naturally, I am a very persistent person, and I don’t give up easily. Especially if its a situation surrounding justice or reaching a God-given goal or dream (this a vital factor; it has to be what God wants).

I got my first teaching job by being persistent. Specific details in my life lined up and I wanted and prayed about a position at a great school in a district I was shortly moving in. I knew I was purposed to be a teacher, I had my degree, and was I certified. However, there were odds stacked against me. The likelihood of a new teacher, fresh out of college, working at this particular school was slim to none. Tenured and veteran teachers held their positions for years or until they retired.

But it was my desire to work there and thankfully a desire that lined up with God’s will for my life. The Lord did his part and I did mine. I emailed the principal of the school just about every other day (no exaggeration!). And guess what…I got the teaching position! And God showed me immense favor and much success in that position.

Towards the end of my first year of teaching, during a teacher evaluation, my principal told me one of the main reasons she hired me was so I could stop emailing her! Just like the judge, my principal said the same thing about me:

“If this woman don’t leave me alone!” LOL!

But, I couldn't afford to be worried about looking like a nuisance or annoying. And in similar circumstances, neither can you. When you need to prevail in a situation, be prepared to be persistent knowing that the Lord will come through on your behalf!

My class photo from that first year of teaching ❤️


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