History Matters

It is so important to have a Biblical Worldview. A Biblical Worldview breaks the "secular and sacred" divide found in aspects of our society and challenges us to see everything in our world through the lens of scripture.

I often think what if Martin Luther King, Jr, or other civil rights activists and abolitionists alike had the mindset that racism didn't exist or stayed succumbed to the oppression it caused? What would the world, or more specifically America, look like today?

Race is a social (not genetic) construct and system by which others benefit, others are disadvantaged, and others are treated and mistreated.

One of the ways we can better handle "race" relations and conversations is through education. Reading history! Unbiased, fact-based history! The good, the bad, and the ugly! Why? Because reading history makes us aware of past mistakes and helps us see the consequences and outcomes of choices all in an effort to prevent them from happening again.

Let's make it more clear. When you go to the doctor what's one of the first things they ask you about? Your family's medical history. Why? So they can identify symptoms and potential illnesses and diseases in an effort to contain or prevent them from happening or worsening.

Educating myself and my family about history is important to me. Family history, World History, American History, Black History (especially in this season), and the Bible, the Old Testament in particular because it is a collection of historical books. The Bible contains the history of mankind's fall and God's plan and redemption for humanity. In the Old Testament, we see and learn the consequences of choosing to live apart from God and to remind us of how God wants us to live.

So I challenge and encourage you to not turn away from what's presently happening in our world and to educate yourself on the history of our nation. The unbiased fact-based history. Learn what pain it causes humanity when we don't love our neighbor as ourselves. See the consequences of why the love of money is the root of ALL evil. And understand what it truly means to carry one another's burdens. It starts with you. It starts with your heart.

We can all learn from the past to provide us with a game plan and blueprint to avoid the same mistakes. We have to be willing to break down our prejudice, use our power and influence for the good of humanity in order to tear down racism and bring racial reconciliation. Are you willing to do the work in your heart and sphere of influence?


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