Beauty for Ashes
Honestly, I struggled writing this blog for a number of reasons that I won’t go into but above all those reasons I felt like I need to share because “we overcome by the word our testimony”.
In reality, many people have gone through things they are afraid to talk about because they are fearful of what others may think. But part of the healing process is talking about the things you’ve been through in an effort to be an encouragement to others to do the same in their own way and timing. Which is why I’m sharing this:
Yesterday, I had the opportunity to take my boys to one of my childhood homes. A home where I experienced some very difficult times and abuse that caused me trauma. I’m not ashamed of what I’ve been through; it’s a part of my story and testimony. I went back because I wanted to reflect on how far the Lord has brought me and share it with my family. It was also an opportunity for me to return to a place where I experienced brokenness and to now walk the grounds HEALED and WHOLE. My healing process took years but with Jesus, a praying family, counseling, and taking it day by day, I am who I am today.
God is a REDEEMER and the PERFECT master at taking ugly things and making them BEAUTIFUL. He gave me beauty for ashes! Trust Him because he can do the same for you!