Mom Guilt
The very REAL emotion that no matter how much time you spend with your children or how much you’re able to provide for them that it’s never enough...
But here’s the is enough and you are enough!
I know what you’re thinking..."yeah yeah, I hear you but I still feel it…”
The scriptures tell us that Satan is an accuser of the brethren (in this case, sistern LoL) and his sole purpose and ammo in this life is to do three things: Steal. Kill. Destroy. It’s who he is. It’s his character, his nature, and it's been his attack mechanism against humanity for lifetimes!
Opening and stirring the emotion of Mom Guilt is one he likes to commonly use in motherhood.
He uses Mom Guilt to steal the enjoyment of motherhood. He suggests opportunities for us to compare ourselves to other moms to diminish our value.
He uses Mom Guilt to kill how we view our worth as a mother. He makes us feel as if our wholehearted efforts and sacrifices are not enough.
He uses Mom Guilt to destroy our purposes. As women, we are naturally designed to be caring and nurturing individuals. Through the avenue of motherhood, he tries to demolish the work we put into serving our children and family.
At the end of a long day of pouring out and sacrificing he’ll whisper “that wasn’t enough” and then you find yourself in a downward spiral of critical thoughts and lies.
Romans 8:1 (TPT) makes this declaration over our lives as believing mothers,
“So now the case is closed. There remains no accusing voice of condemnation against those who are joined in life-union with Jesus, the Anointed One."
So you are enough! Why? Because in Jesus Christ, the anointed one, YOU are anointed as a mother. His anointing not only empowers you to accomplish everything you do with and for your children each and every day, but the anointing multiples that and transcends beyond what you can see or even imagine!
So again, it is enough and you are enough Momma! Hold your head high and when Satan tries to drag you into the courtroom with accusations that cause Mom Guilt, declare “No Sir! Case closed!”