Make it Christmas & Happy New Year!
Throughout this holiday season, the Holy Spirit kept speaking to my heart “Don’t be casual with Christmas.”
And I thought, “Me?! Casual with Christmas?! It’s my favorite time of the year. The time where I’m all about the glistening lights, the adorned trees, and the stylish Christmas decorations! How could I be casual about Christmas?!”
But the more He spoke, the more it became clear.
It’s so easy to become solely focused on being entertained, decorating, finding the perfect gift, and creating family traditions during the holiday season. And there’s nothing inherently wrong with any of those things. I thoroughly enjoy them too!
But sometimes getting ready for the Christmas holiday is almost like a switch. We turn it on November 1st and it dwindles as the New Year fades away. And if we’re not careful it will become routine, like a programmed robot, void of intentionality.
On the other end of the spectrum, the holiday season is very hard for those grieving the loss of loved ones, unfilled desires, broken relationships, and financial and situational hardships. These circumstances are very heartbreaking and can cause dread and numbness to the celebration of Christmas.
But here’s the good news! God was intentional with Christmas by sending Jesus. He knew this life would be filled with highs and lows and we would need a Savior to redeem us from our sins and a Lord to guide us through life. He didn’t intend for Christmas to only have meaning during one season each year. God’s gift of Christmas is constant and lasts throughout every season of every year.
What God provides us in His son Jesus Christ isn’t restricted by time or situations. It doesn’t change based on how we feel or our circumstances. He gives a joy the world doesn’t give nor can the world take away.
Even when we feel clouded by the commercialism of Christmas, no gift will ever outlast the gift of Jesus. And when we’re not in the “Christmas spirit”, His Holy Spirit is ever-present to comfort and guide us.
Even though the Christmas holiday has passed and the holiday season is coming to a close, I want to leave you with the same perspective the Holy Spirit gave me; “Don’t be casual with Christmas”. Make it Christmas every day this year [and the years to come] and have a joyous, Christ-filled New Year!