You are Worthy

A few weeks ago, I saw a post on social media that resonated with me. It said “You are worthy of the same love that you extend out to others”.

If you know me personally and as you get to know me more, you’ll realize that I deeply care about people and the relationships that I have with other people.  I love being there for people, supporting people, and doing anything I can within my power to help others.

For the longest time I would question why I was that way and even resented it (at times) because sometimes it was misinterpreted in relationships. Sometimes I even felt like I needed to over-explain my actions so people could understand my heart. 

But one thing I learned in certain situations (and am learning in others) is that I am worthy of the same love that I extend out to others.

This worthiness comes from two personal outlooks for me:

  1. I am worthy when I am blessed to receive the love I extend out to others.

  2. I am also worthy to not settle for situations, relationships, or friendships where the same love is not consistently extended causing harm or hurt.

Being worthy requires you to know and understand your worth. It’s not based on how people view you, the situations you experience, or what you do and don’t have. It is solely based on the fact that God took the delicate time to knit you in your mother’s womb and purposed a destined life for you despite how people may view you, the situations you may experience, and what you do and don’t have.

And if no one has told you...Sis, you are worthy of the same love that you extend out to others.

Now this is not a pass to boast in ourselves, have unrealistic expectations of others, nor run away from any situation, relationship, or friendship that may have occasional healthy conflict-- because you’re stuck in your feelings about something (I had to put that clarification in there because sometimes as human we can have a selfish perspective of love)--but I’m talking about the love modeled in 1 Corinthians 13. That type of love you show to others, you are worthy of receiving that same type, sis.

So, I encourage you to pray and ask God to show you areas where you have not felt “worthy of the same love that you extend out to others”. Ask Him to heal those areas and to help to navigate the circumstances that caused it. Also give Him thanks for the blessing of relationships where you do receive that love. 

I pray these words penetrate your hearts, as they have mine, and release and heal in necessary ways for you to walk freely in life as you love others and receive love from others.




It’s Holy Week!